How to install SocialAI
Install with AAPANEL
Note: this guide makes for aapanel based hosting panel but the steps are same for all servers panel.
Download file from codecanyon and extract in your pc and you will get 2 folder. Listed below:
  1. Documentation
  2. socialai

Step 1:

Download file from codecanyon and extract in your pc and you will get 02 folder. Listed below:

Open the socialai folder, and make zip all files. you have to upload it to your domain root (server) using ftp or file manager.

Step 2:

Now login to your control panel and Upload zip file to server:

Note: It’s based on Laravel framework, the root folder for it is /public. You have to set site directory is /public like:

Go to your Website list and select your domain and click to config option

Note: If you are useing NGINX add these line to your config file (documentation) (opens in a new tab). If you are useing apache then skip it

Step 2:

Go to your

Please full fill all requirements from your server and click next button. For folder permissions you can run the following command:

chmod -R 775 /webroot/.env
chmod -R 775 /webroot/storage
chmod -R 775 /webroot/bootstrap/cache
chmod -R 775 /webroot/public/uploads

Click to next button if all required extensions are enabled

Step 3:

Enter your purchase key. (opens in a new tab)

Note: you can use the license for one site only development or production

Create database:

Go to control panel to Databases

Enter database name, username, and password

Copy the credintials and paste it somewhere Click to submit button

Step 4:

Enter your site name and enter database credentials.

After fillup the form click to submit & next button.

it will take sometimes based on your server speed perfomace. And it will automatically redirect to installlation complete page

Admin Panel Credentials

Admin Panel:
Password: password